Thanks Mikkel. Glad you enjoyed my book and learning more about OKRs. I believe teaching is one of the best ways to learn because it makes you think how you do what you do. It makes one mindful about each step of the experience and that's part of the reason why I wrote this book because I wanted to think deeply about the OKR experience while introducing this incredibly useful tool to as many people as I can who can as well improve their lives and companies with stretch goals, execution discipline and much more, which I summed up with examples in this book.
Math is math everywhere and OKR is OKR everywhere, but who you learn math from greatly effects how you apply math. In this book, I started with the fundamentals of the framework along with how Google became Google using OKRs and continued with the tools to use, examples of how to apply each step of the way, how the framework originated and evolved and I made comparisons with other tools such as design thinking, MBOs, mindmapping and many more. Leonardo and Einstein agreed on one concept. Staying curious is genius. Hope you apply your version of OKRs to every part of your life. Cheers